#EcoLockdown Challenge
They are doing this through their #EcoLockdown Challenge which will run throughout February. There will be a themed challenge every week throughout the month.
Weekly themed challenges to inspire environmental action from home.
The hashtag #EcoLockdown will share free resources for teachers and everyone else, who can take environmental action from their homes.
Go to Transform Our World: bringing environmental action into the classroom with quality-rated resources (transform-our-world.org) where you can share resources on the weekly challenge themes.
Challenge themes throughout February are:
Week 1: Food, farming and forests (1-7th Feb)
Week 2: Fashion and Consumption (8th - 14th Feb)
Week 3: Nature, oceans and outdoor learning (half-term, outdoor focus) (15th-21st)
Week 4: Travel, pollution and waste (22nd - 28th Feb)
Follow the hashtag #EcoLockdown and the Transform Our World Twitter account for more updates, get involved and take up the challenge!
Help spread the word about the #EcoLockdown Challenge with everyone you know, so please forward them these details!
I will be posting more details every Sunday, before the challenges start that week on my blog so keep an eye out!
Thanks for your support!