What Is Climate Change?

Many of my friends have asked 'what is climate change?'. Therefore, todays post I am going to explain what climate change is and how this happened. 

Over the years humans have caused damage to our planet; which is the home of all known living things.

The Earth is enclosed in a layer which we call 'atmosphere'. This is like a roof of a greenhouse as it lets in sunlight, traps heat and keeps the planet warm.

For over two hundred years, humans have been burning lots of fossil fuels, for example, coal, oil and gas. They have used this fuel to heat their homes, generate electricity, power factories and run cars. Burning these fossil fuels pumps out carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane gas known as greenhouse gases. The more greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere, the more heat the atmosphere traps.

Humans have known about the greenhouse effect for years but have kept using fossil fuels. The Earth, therefore, is getting hotter. It is actually getting too hot to function as it should. This is what is called the Climate Crisis

The Earth is made up of many different ecosystems which are groups of  things and their natural environment. All these ecosystems are connected and they depend on one another. If the rising temperature causes damage to one part it will then affect all the ecosystem. 

In polar regions, animals are struggling for food because the heat means the sea is melting. 

In oceans, coral reefs are dying as the temperature of the water rises. 

On land, wildfires, heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms are becoming more common.

To make matters worse, humans are also destroying animals' homes by cutting down forests to grow food and build roads. Also humans are dumping waste and spilling harmful chemicals, choking the natural world with pollution. 

Remember we are all responsible in looking after our world...