30 Days Wild - Week 1 & 2 Update
Day 1 - We enjoyed a picnic in our local arboretum as well as spending time looking at the different tress. We spotted some cherry blossoms which were our favourite.
Day 2 - We spent the day being Wildlife Warriors! Read my blog on Twycross Zoo for more details! Wildlife Warriors (shaansecoworld.blogspot.com)
Day 3 - We spent the day learning about different animals, caring and feeding them for the day. We had great fun being helpers at the farm.
Day 4 - We spent some time playing outside and planting our wildflower seeds. Read my blog on bees on why bees and wildflowers are so important. Why Are Bees So Important? (shaansecoworld.blogspot.com)
Day 5 We spent the morning cleaning up a small area of the nature reserve that leads off our back garden. Saw lots of bugs! It was really funny to watch my mum get scared of all the creepy crawlies that we came across. I then enjoyed a sandwich whilst listening to the birdsong.
Day 6 - We spent some time today watching some squirrels, how they move and eat. We even managed to get close to one and take some photos before it ran off!
Day 7 - We spent some time on the way to school on our morning walk playing eye-spy with what we could see in the arboretum. We saw lots of beautiful flowers.
Day 8 - Spent some time on our morning walk to school looking at what shapes we could see in the clouds.
Day 9 - On the morning walk to school we listened to the different birdsongs. The birds sing their hearts out to attract a mate. Early in the morning, their voices merge into the famous dawn chorus!
Day 10 - On the walk back from school we hugged a few trees on our way! We got a few strange looks but it didn't matter as we had fun. We also had an ice-cream
which was great!
Day 11 - After school we looked at how we can reduce plastic within our home. We have organised the bathroom and will also do other rooms in the house over the
next upcoming weeks. Read my blog on waste; Waste and Recycling (shaansecoworld.blogspot.com)
Day 12 - We spent some time cleaning another part of the nature reserve at the back of our home. Picked up a lot of litter using my dads gloves!
Day 13 - Spent some time doing a bug hunt! I found some beetles in our garden and spotted some rhino-beetles but they moved so quick we could not get a photo!
Day 14 - We spent some time doing some bird watching at our local RSPB trail. We spotted a lot of mallards. Our teddies also came on an adventure with us!
I hope you have enjoyed seeing what we have got up to for our 30 Days Wild Challenge!
We still have to complete week three and four. I will post an update once we have completed all the challenge!
Image Credit: Bally Dulay and The Wildlife Trusts