Eco Schools First National Eco Committee England


I am so pleased to announce out of thousands of applications I have been Selected for England's first 'National Eco Committee'. This is alongside other 21 young children and teenagers, aged between 10-18 years.

See the link below for my official introduction!

Eco-Schools National Eco-Committee Advent Calendar Day Five! - Eco Schools 

See the link below for more details of what exactly the 'National Eco Committee' England will be.

National Eco-Committee - Eco Schools ( 

So honoured to be given this role to represent for the 'National Eco Committee' Home - Eco Schools (

Looking forward to working with; 

Georgina Stevens – Writing for a beautiful world

Home | Keep Britain Tidy

 OCR - awarding body for A Levels, GCSEs, Cambridge Nationals, Cambridge Technicals and other qualifications 

We are going to try and ensure that those in education, have the opportunity to learn about the environment!

